Monday, 26 August 2019

Major Benefits of Colonic Irrigation You Probably Didn’t Know

Also known as colonic hydrotherapy, colonic irrigation has attracted a lot of attention from the global health community in the last couple of years, probably because of its reported innumerable health benefits. Owing to its growing popularity, a lot of reputed health care centres are now offering colonic irrigation in Liverpool and other cities across England. It is basically the process of cleansing the colon, which involves flushing toxins and other waste products out of the colon with the introduction of certain fluids (usually, lukewarm water) into the colon via the rectum.

Monday, 12 August 2019

Top 9 Tips for Glowing Skin

Everyone wants their skin to be flawless and glowing. But is it that easy?! Well, at a younger age, it could be (to some extent), but as you age, it gradually becomes tougher. Besides age, there are other factors too that can steal the youthfulness of your skin. Air pollution, harmful UV rays and unhealthy food habits all contribute to wreaking havoc on your skin regardless of your age. So, in today's time, you may need to take extra care of your skin, especially if you have already entered your late 30s or early 40s.